September 14, 2015
By Marcellous L. Jones
Photos by Jason Spiteri
Valletta, Malta – When this writer first discovered the work of Maltese designer Ms. Ritienne Zammit back in October 2014, he was not so impressed. This was due to numerous factors including the construction of the garments that presentation of her Spring/Summer 2015 collection. It also included the overall vision and use of color. However, this writer is pleased to state, WHAT A DIFFERENCE A YEAR MAKES !
The new Spring/Summer 2016 collection by Zammit features her energetic approach to color use. Yet there is a great and most noticeable evolution in the way she applies it to her creations. There is a confidence that is more evident than before. Brought together in pop-art style prints, they create a whimsical and fun way of looking at fashion.
In both the men’s and women’s collections, we see them applied. For the women, she adds pencil skirts and for the men, there are Capri length pants. Both sexes enjoy structure, while Zammit uses colorful, cotton candy-like faux fur as clever embellishments to her work.
Fashion Insider thanks the Malta Tourism Authority for its complicity in our coverage of the Ritienne Zammit show.

RITIENNE ZAMMIT – Spring/Summer2016

RITIENNE ZAMMIT – Spring/Summer2016

RITIENNE ZAMMIT – Spring/Summer2016

RITIENNE ZAMMIT – Spring/Summer2016

RITIENNE ZAMMIT – Spring/Summer2016

RITIENNE ZAMMIT – Spring/Summer2016

RITIENNE ZAMMIT – Spring/Summer 2016