October 22, 2015
By Marcellous L. Jones
Photos by
Paris, France – After having writing more than 3000 fashion reviews over the past decade for various publications, this writer suffers from writer’s fatigue syndrome. Maybe that exists or maybe I just made it up as a way to say that I don’t take anywhere near as much pleasure in writing fashion reviews as I once too. Call it burn out or call it boredom. However, when I do decide to actually write on a fashion collection instead of turning it over to one of my editors to do in my place, it must be because a designer has actually given me a good reason to do it myself. And with the presentation of his new collection for Spring/Summer 2016, designer Manish Arora has given me an EXCELLENT REASON to personally writing the review on his new style opus. So congratulations to Manish. You now have my attention!

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016
Describing the color palette used in this or any other Manish Arora collection is as simple as measuring a mother’s love or counting all the stars in the sky or finding a way to write down on paper a baby’s first cry. Of course each of these events are impossible. That is the trap in trying to lay out the colors scheme in a collection by this designer, who seems to select each one available and with the greatest of wreckless abandon.
Arora takes his colors and places them on silks, chiffon, leathers, brilliant materials, etc. He fashions them into kaftan, balloon pantalons, hip scarves, sleeveless tops, etc. He creates shorts cropped jackets and blesses them with beaded sleeves, while other pieces enjoy embroideries. He adorns the head with beads, scarves and other adornments. All of this is done in honor of the beautiful butterfly, which he seeks to immortalize as a deity. We find this latter creature everywhere from the belts as buckles, to the hair as pins, and to the materials as prints. They are omnipresent and even lend their colors to the paisley of the collection.
Arora has included frasier collars as well into the collection. They elongate the necks of the model creatures, who are lucky enough to participate in the collection. Their job is an easy one. To saunter with violence onto the catwalk as elegant creatures enough in the long, layered skirts, butterfly wing tops like that worn by top model Debra Shaw, or like gypsy queens from the East with their sumptuous and multi-colored skirts.
Again Arora has created a dizzying cocktail of glamour that takes the East into the West. He makes it so exotic that it becomes intoxicating to the eyes of the beholder.
Another season. Another reason. And another strong collection for Manish Arora.

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016
MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016

MANISH ARORA – Spring/Summer 2016