By Marcellous L. Jones
Images Courtesy of Twitter
Paris, France – Kanye West has seemingly taken a page from President Donald Trump’s playbook in which he invents his own facts and blatantly lies about something that is easily verifiable. However, it only took precisely 60 minutes for his claimed to be initially debunked with facts by the tennis grand slam champion, Andy Roddick!
In a tweet dated April 25, 2018, Kanye West made the claim that his Adidas produced Yeezy shoeline outsells the JORDAN BRAND by NBA legend Michael Jordan and Nike. A previous post by ShoeAdviser, one of the top reviewers of running shoes online, featured in part Kanye’s reflection on the situation. He stated, “I am currently the single highest paid person in footwear. That means I make more money on shoes than Michael Jordan.”

Kanye West Twitter Rant Debunked by Tennis Slam Champion, Andy Roddick
Knowing a little something about shoe collaborations with, Roddick who is the world’s former N° 1 tennis player, schooled West in his own tweet, and in which he said, “I think I don’t believe that he’s making more than 125 million a year on shoes …… that’s what Jordan makes. That number requires brand ownership which Jordan has had for a very very long time”.

Fact checking is an easy thing to do. Yearly financial reports come as close to the true that we can get in this business. So with that in mind, that’s exactly what magazine GQ did when it got involved. Not only did it back up Andy Roddick, but it went further to provide real numbers. The magazine noted that the Jordan Brand took in a heart-stopping $3.1 billion in 2017. In the fact checking, the magazine ask a Cowen retail analyst if West’s declaration held veracity. His answer: “No.”
But by now we all know Kanye. And we all know that he was not going to stop with bragging that is based on the fiction that his mind generates. He went on to tweet out to his fans…

And then he said…

No matter, Kanye West continued his rants regarding the future prospects of his shoeline’s future. This circus sideshow is becoming tragically sad.
Twitter: marcellousmlj