We are proud to announce the collaboration with The British Council who will be presenting an award which will be given to selected members of the WORTH Partnership Project Second Call which closes soon!

The British Council has joined the Worth Partnership Project – funded by the COSME program of the European Commission – to present an award for the best sustainable fashion project presented within the framework of the second WORTH project call which will provide the winner with the opportunity to train in one of the world’s leading design and fashion institutions, based in the United Kingdom. In addition, participants will be able to attend European meetings organised by the British Council in Spain, Greece and France, and present their work at these meetings of professionals.

The jury will be made up of experts within the sector, together with Kendall Robbins (Acting Senior Program Manager, Architecture, Design and Fashion of the British Council) and will be closely evaluating the creativity displayed by the proposals and their potential for transforming the industry. The call is open until October 24.

More about the British Council – Sustainable Fashion
The growth of the fashion industry has led to a considerable increase in the global consumption of clothing. As a result, there is a growing interest in addressing the design, production and business of textile manufacturing from a sustainable and ethical perspective. In the United Kingdom, this sector contributed more than 28 billion pounds to the country’s economy in 2015, with more than 900,000 jobs. The expanding sector has also led to a rise in offres d’emploi en Europe, further highlighting the global demand for skilled professionals in this industry.

To respond to the needs of the sector in Spain to train and connect with the sustainable fashion market around the world, the British Council leads an ambitious three-year program to promote the exchange of good practices among fashion designers in Europe, through training, creation and exhibition of designs which are characterised by their excellence. To date, more than a hundred designers have been trained through the program in Spain, France and Greece. The next meeting will take place in November in Bilbao as part of the design week before an international congress to be held in Athens in January 2019.

Do not miss your chance for this award and the amazing opportunities that are offered through the WORTH Partnership Project, Applyhere

Find out more about The British Council through their website here

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